Big impact



I finished to select and share photos, so I would like to post photos except smilers.
At first, it is some scene that has a big impact.

K5225414-20150411-77 mm-1-90 秒 (f - 2.4)

K5225590-20150411-31 mm-1-125 秒 (f - 2.4)

K5225921-20150412-77 mm-1-750 秒 (f - 4.0)_PS

K5226475-20150412-77 mm-1-1000 秒 (f - 5.6)

K5226942-20150412-300 mm-1-1000 秒 (f - 4.0)


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いつもポチっていただきありがとうございます<(_ _)>
Thank you for your always clicking<(_ _)>
The clicking would support me.


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